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All Saints Day Short Poems for Kids

No 1 can Confidently Say that HE will Still b Living Tomorrow...!!!

Poet: Euripides...!!!
Wherever U Go & in Whatever U do, May Good Luck Always B with U...!!!

Happy St. Patriek's Day...!!!
GOD Himself Took a day 2 Rest in, & a Good Man's Grave is His Sabbath...!!!

Poet: John Donne...!!!
It iz all Stints Day & here Hoping that. May the SAINTS Choicest Blessings B Showered upon
U Today & Always...!!!
Death iz a Release from the Impressions of Sense, & from Impulses that Make us Their Puppets, from the Vagaries of the Mind, & the Hard Service of the Flesh...!!!

Poet: Marcus Aurelius Meditations...!!!
No one's Death Comes 2 Pass Without Making Some Impression, & those Close 2 the Deceased Inherit part of the Liberated Soul & Become Richer in Their Humanness...!!!

Poet: Hermann Broch...!!!
The day which v fear as our Last is but the Birthday of Eternity...!!!

Poet: Lucius Annaeus Seneca...!!!
For Death is no more than a Turning of us Over from time 2 Eternity...!!!

Poet: William Penn...!!!
Oh, May I Join the Choir Invisible Of Those Immortal Dead who Live Again...!!!

Poet: George Eliot The Choir Invisible...!!!
He First Deceas'd, She for a Little Tri'd To Live Without Him. Lik'd it Not, & Di'd...!!!

Poet: Henry Worton

I feel a Warmth Around Me Loke Ur Presence iz So Near,
And I Close My Eyes to Visualize Yr Face When You Were Here,
I Endure the Times V Spent Together and they are Locked inside my Heart,
For as Long as I have those memories V will never B Apart,
Even though V cannot speak no more my Voice iz Always there,
Because Every Night Before I Sleep I have in My Prayer...!!!

Poet: Louise Bailey...!!!
And When HE Shall Die. Take HIM & Cut HIM Out in Little Stars, & HE Will Make The Face of Heaven So Fine That All The World Will B In LUV With Night & Pay No Worship To The Garish Sun...!!!

Poet: Haim...!!!
Death is a Commingling of Eternity With Time, In The Death Of a Good MAN, Eternity Is Seen Looking Through Time...!!!

Poet: Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe...!!!
Sant Patrick
One of the few Saints whose feast day Presents the Opportunity to get Determinedly whacked & Make a fool of oneself all make a fool of oneself all under the guise of acting Lrish...!!!

Poet: Charles M.Madigan...!!!
Death Leaves a Heartache No One Can Heal, LUV Leaves a Memory No 1 Can Steal...!!!

Poet: Henry Johann...!!!
HE Who Has Gone, So We But Cherish His Memory, Abides With Us, More Potent, Nay, More Present Than The Living MAN...!!!

Poet: Antoine de Saint Exupery...!!!
The World's An Innn, & Death The Journey's End...!!!

Poet: John Dryden...!!!
The Call of Death iz a Call of LUV. Death can be Sweet If V Answer it in the Affirmative, If V Accept it as 1 of The Great Eternal forms of Life & Transformation...!!!

Poet: Hermann Hesse...!!!
Death is Not Extinguishing the Light, It Iz Putting out The Lamp Because Dawn Has Come...!!!

Poet: Rabindranath Tagore...!!!
Death iz The Supreme Festival on The Road to Freedom...!!!

Poem: Dietrich Bonhoeffer...!!!
Iz Death The Last Sleep? No... It iz The Last & Final Awakening...!!!

Poet: Sir Walter Scott...!!!
For In That Sleep Of Death, What Dreams May Come...!!!

Poet: William Shakespeare...!!!


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