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Halloween Long Poems Collection

I Ain't Afeard Uv Snakes, Or Toads, Or Bugs, Or Worms, Or Mice,
An' Things 'At Girls Are Skeered Uv I Think Are Awful Nice!
I'm pretty Brave, I Guess; An' Yet I Hate To Go To Bed,
For, When I'M Tucked Up Warm An' Snug An' When My Prayers Are Said,
Mother Tells Me "Happy Dreams!" And Takes Away The Light,
An' Leaves Me Lying All Alone An' Seein' Things At Night!

Sometimes They'Re In The Corner, Sometimes Shey'Re By The Door,
Sometimes They'Re All A-Standin' In The Middle Uv The Floor,
Sometimes They Are A-Sittin' Down, Sometimes They'Re Walkin' Round
So Softly An' So Creepylike They Never Make A Sound!
Sometimes They Are As Black As Ink, An' Other Times They'Re White
But The Color Ain'T No Difference When You See Things At Night...!!!

Poet: Eugene Field...!!!
Happy Halloween.

The Air Is Crisp And Leaves Are Falling,
It S Almost Time To Go Ghost Calling
We Must Make Our Jack-O-Lanterns To Help Light The Way,
So We Won'T Get Lost On Halloween Day.
Find The Biggest You Can I Dare You To Try, 
Clean Out His Insides And Give Him Some Eyes.
Big Ones, Small Ones He Doesn'T Mind, 
just Make Sure His Light Will Shine. 
Give Him A Nose Long And Thin, 
Short And Fat He Might Like That.
Whatever You Choose I'M Sure He Will Agree,
He Is The Best Looking Pumpkin On The Street...!!!
Witches, Goblins And Even Some Ghools Are All Seen On Halloween
Scary Sounds And Candy By The Mounds Even Evil Clowns 
All Of These Things Are Scary When They Are Seen
just Remember They Are Gone After Halloween...!!!

Poet: Megan.
Horrid Stories Being Told. 
Apples Everywhere-Some Are Old. 
Lively Children All Around.
Lollipops Falling To The Ground. 
Owls Hooting In The Trees.
Witches Are Torturing Fleas. 
Even If Your Sister Knows, Warn Her.
Evil Eyes Stare In Every Corner.
Never Go Out At Midnight...!!!

Poet: Brenna.
Halloween Night.

Scary, Eerie, Horrifying, Fright,
This Comes Up On Halloween Night ,
Witches, Ghouls, Goblins And Ghosts,
Getting Scares From Our Halloween Hosts.

Popcorn Balls And Candy Peaches, 
All We Hear Are Screams And Screeches,
Candy Bags Are Full Of Sweets,
The People Give Out Lots Of Treats. 

There'S A Haunted House On Willow Street, 
Who Knows What Vengeful Ghouls We'll Meet,
I Hope Your Halloween Is Lots Of Fun,
The Fright Of The Night Has Only Just Begun...!!!
Theres Only One Thing That Scares Us The Most
It's That Creepy,Crawly,Flying Thing, That We Call A Ghost.

They Scare Alot At Nite,
And Sometimes During The Day,
You Always Try To Prepae For Em,
But They Scare Ya Anyway.

When Ever They Come Near You,
They Always Give You A Chill,
The Kind Of Feeling You Always Get
When You Find A Fifty Dollar Bill...!!!
Happy Halloween.

Adorable Debbie, Costumed Like a Queen,
When Out With Her Basket On Halloween.
She knocked At The Door Of Mortimer Huff,
Who Goes To Extremes With The Halloween Stuff.
Like Freddie Kruger And His Glove, He's Dressed,
And Little Debbie Is Sore Distressed.
In Round-Eyed Surprise She Cowers In Dread.
"Twick Or Tweat,"She Coos, Then Bites Off His Head...!!!

Poet: Mairi Tereas Gallagher.
The Skeketon.

I Went To The Doctor'S,
Cause I Had A Cold And
There Was A Propped Up Skeleton,
All Musty And Dusty And Old
The Doctor Said 'Wait Here',
And Left And I Was
Full Of Fear Cause That Skeleton'S Standin'
There Starin' At Me And Me,
I Shed A Tear As Those Bones Began
To Rattle And Shake As In A Strong Earth Quake 
But Everything Else Is Still,
As That Rattlin' Sound The Room To Fill 
As Those Bones Began To Rattle
And All My Remaining Breath To Take...!!!

Halloween Has Finally Come,
To Trick R Treat And Have Fun.
Even Make A Halloween Bun!
Halloween Is A Magical Time
With Decorations Your House Will Shine
Children Knocking On Your door,
Looking For Sweets And More.
OH Wait
Whats That White Thing At Your Gate!
You Never Know What’S
Sneaking Around In Your School...!!!
Twas Halloween Night And All Through The Sky,
The Clouds Hid The Moon As The Bats Glided By.
I Was Dressed All In White In My Mama'S Old Sheet,
Walking With Friends Down The Ghost-Haunted Street.
All The Kids Were Dressed In Bright Costumed Array,
While Flashlights And Street Lights Guided Our Way.
We Giggled And Laughed As We Hurried To Each Door,
Ringing Or Knocking, Then Laughing Some More.

There Were Pumpkins Aglow And Skeletons Dangling,
Scarecrows And Shadows And Silver Chains Clanging.
Grownups In Masked Faces Opened Doors In Greeting,
As We Stood With Our Bags And Waited For Treating.

Some People Say That We Should Not Have This Night, 
That Too Many Kids Are Harmed By The Sights Or The Fright 
But It'S The One Time A Year When We Can Pretend To Be
Someone Else For A While, Not You - Not Even Me.

Let Them Celebrate Now,As The Bats Glide On By,
For Childhood Is Brief, Like The Blink Of An Eye.
Listen To Their Laughter And Let The Children Be
Someone Else For A While, Not You And Not Even Me.

Poet: Kirsteen.
A Vision Of Fright.

A Whisper In The Dark, A Cry At Night,
Are Sounds I Hear That Give Me Fright.
A Shadow I See In A Murky Glow,
Makes Me Wonder If A Ghost Will Show.

Creaks And Moans I Sometimes Hear,
It Makes Me Shiver And Shake With Fear.
Halloween Is Here, There Is No Doubt,
These Noises Scare Me, I Want To Shout.

There'S A Vampire There, Behind That Tree,
He Wants To Bite Me, He Wants Me To Bleed.
A Werewolf Too Is Lurking Close By,
Under A Full Moon And Pitch Black Sky.

As These Monsters Creep Closer To Make A Bloody Scene,
I Suddenly Wake Up And Realize,
It Was Just A Dream...!!!
The Pumpkin.

I Saw A Pumpkin
On The Porch
Glowing With A Flame

It Seemed To Stare
To Look At Me
It Was Playing A Strange Game

It Shook And Rattled,
Hopped And Rolled.
Something Was Inside

The pumpkin,
Staring Up At Me,
Was Going For A Ride.

The Ghost Came Out
The Kids All Ran.
But I Stood My Ground.

And I Picked Up
All Of The Sweet
Candy That I Found.

Poet: Shining Star.
Halloween Is Here.

Ghosts And Goblins Near.
Scary Sounds,
And Barking Hounds,
Halloween Is Here!

Halloween Is Here!
Tricks, And Treats, And Fears.
Spookey Nights,
No More Light 'Cause
Halloween Is Here!

Halloween Is Here!
Is My Eleventh year.
Many Costumes I See,
Many Places To Be.
Halloween Is Here...!!!
Trick Or Treating

Halloween Is Such A Blast
It Comes And Goes Oh So Fast
I Love Dressing Up And Trying Something New
And See My Friends Looking Funny, Too
Going From House To House Saying,
"Trick Or Treat!"
And Seeing All The Candy, I'M Going To Be Able To Eat
I Have So Much Fun With My Family And Friends But
I Get So disappointed Knowing That The Day Will Soon End
There Is No Doubt That I Adore Halloween
And The Rest Of The Holiday Seasons Will Soon Be Seen...!!!
All Through The House
A Cold Wind Blows
Whistling, Whistling

Pull My Blanket Around Me
But Is There A Ghost?
Whispering, Whispering

The Fire Went Out
There'S Just The Glow
Fading, Fading

I'M Shaking Now
From My Head To My Toe
Shivering, Shivering

There'S A Shadow Outside
Long And Low
Stalking, Stalking

Long Fingers Rap
At My Window Oh Please
Scaring, Scaring

There'S Tap-Tapping
Is It The Trees?
Scraping, Scraping

I Run Out With A Shout
Where Do I Go?
Running, Running

Down The Long Staircase
Into The Cupboard
Hiding, Hiding

It's Worse In Here
Oh Gosh I Fear
Shaking, Shaking

The Door Creaks Open
Aaargh! Who'S There?
Screaming, Screaming

I Open My Eyes
With Horror I See.
Nothing, Nothing

I Look All Around Me
Surely Someone Was There?
Worrying, Worrying

I Creep Back Up To Bed
Dive Under The Covers
Peeking, Peeking+

No Sound Can Be Heard
I Slowly Doze Off
Sleeping, Sleeping...!!!

Poet: Michelle.
A Queer Little Pumpkin, A Jolly Fat Fellow,
Stood Close To His Mother So Rotund And Yellow.
"What A Stupid Old Place! How I Long To Aspire,"
Cried He, "I Was Destined For Something Much Higher."

"My Son," Said The Mother, "Pray Do Be Content,
There'S Great Satisfaction In Life That'S Well Spent!"
But He Shrugged Up His Shoulders, This Pumpkin, 'T Is True,
And Acted Just Like Some Bad Children Will Do.

With A Shout And A Whoop, In The Garden They Ran,
Tom And Ned, For They'D Thought Of The Loveliest Plan
To Astonish Their Friends From The City, You See,
With a fine Jack-o-lantern"Ah, this one suits me!"

Neddie Seized The Bad Pumpkin, And Dug Out His Brains,
Till He Felt So Light-Headed And Brimful Of Pains;
Then Two Eyes, A Long Nose, And A Mouth Big And Wide,
They Cut In A Minute, And Laid Him Aside

Until Night, When They Hung Him Upon A Stout Limb,
With A Candle Inside; How His Poor Head Did Swim,
As They Twisted Him This Way, Then Twirled Him Round That,
Till At Last, With A Crash, He Fell On The Ground Flat,

A Wreck Of The Once Jolly, Fat Little Fellow,
Who Stood By His Mother So Rotund And Yellow.
Just Then A Lean Cow, Who Was Passing That Way,
Ate Him Up, Just To Finish HER "Thanksgiving Day...!!!"


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