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Halloween Poems for Children


It's The Time Of Year When Monsters Knock On Your Door
And You Don't Even Question What They've Come For.
When Pumpkins Have Faces And Faces Have Masks
And Children Get Candy Without Even Having To Ask.
It's The Time When Goblins Can Be F Found On The Street
And Ghosts And Witches Say "Trick-Or-Treat!"
It's The Time To Decorate With Oranges And Blacks,
Go To A Haunted House, Hayride, Or Pumpkin Patch.
It's The Time To Dress Up Like A Clown Or A Cat, 
A Caveman Or Princess Or Vampire Bat.
It's The Time That Comes At The End Of October, 
and it's time to get more candy before
Halloween Is Over...!!!
Halloween Night.

Gobbledy Gooks,
Spooky Spooks, 
Moonlit Sky,
Witches Fly.

Scaredy Cats,
Eerie Bats,
Spiders Spin,
Pumpkins Grin.

Doorbells Ring
Children Scream,
"Trick Or Treat"
It's Halloween...!!!
Hilda Witch.

Hilda Witch Broke Her Broom
Trying To And Atop A Tomb.
She'd Planned To Put On Quite A Show
But When She Crashed She Broke Her Toe.
Now She Ceen's Safe For You And I.
The Moral Of This Tiny Tale?
If you're Gonna Crash, You'd Better Bail...!!!
Is It A Ghost???

Is It A Ghost I Hear
Down The Basement Stairs,
Creaking, Rapping,
Hooting Everywhere?
It Could Be The Washing Machine
In Need Of Repair,
But is it really
A Ghost Down There....???
In Style.

Bats And Spiders Come Out At Night
In The Flickering Candlelight,
Balls Of Lint Drift Through The Air
Catching On The Cobwebs There.
One Of These Days I'll Have To Clean
But For Now I'm In Vogue For Halloween...!!!
Halloween Scares.

Bubble , Bubble
Toil And Trouble.
Witches On Brooms,
What A Sight!

Goblins And Ghouls
Acting Like Fools.
Giving Us A Fright!

Monsters That Groan,
Vampires That Moan,
Things That Go Bump In The Night!

But Aren't They Sweet
As They Cry "Trick Or Treat"
Under The Bright Porch Light...???
Halloween Pumpkin Pals.

A Happy Little Fellow 
Sat On My Fence One Night 
His Smile Was Full And Wide- 
A most amazing site! 

He Said To Me, "I'm Yours For Keeps. 
I Hope You'll Like Me Fine. 
I've Watched You Now For Weeks And Weeks 
While Growing On My Vine. 

Just Put Me In Your Window 
When The Right Time Rolls Around 
I Promise That I'll Glow For You 
And I'll Never Make A Sound. 

I'll Be Your Friend Forever 
We'll Be Happy As Can Be 
For I'm Your Jack-o-Lantern 
And You're Just Right For Me...!!!
Is It a Ghost I See,
Crawling Up My Bedroom Wall?
Its Body, With Thin, Bony Fingers,
Must Be Over Ten Feet Tall!
It Could Be Tree Branches
Bending In The Wind,
But You Can't Fool Me,
The Ghost Is Back Again...!!!
Frank And Me.

Oh Frankenstein,
If you'll be mine,
I'll Meet you At Half Past Nine.

And When We Meet,
we'll Trick Or Treat
And Fill Ourselves With Candy Sweet!

At Midnight, We'll Jump In Your Nash
And To A Haunted House We'll Dash
To Dance All night To The Monster Mash!

At Dawn, We All Must Disappear
And To Be Frank, My Frankie Dear,
I'm Glad It's Halloween Only Once A Year...!!!
Halloween Baby Shower Poem.

Come And join In The Spooktackular Joy,
Of The Pending Arrival Of Our Little Boy.

A Costume Is An Option That You Might Like,
To Share In The Games With Spooky Delight.

If You Are Worried About What What Costume To Wear,
street clothes are fine In Our Joy To Share.

If You Are Wondering About What To Get,
A Simple Gift Card Would Be Just Perfect.

Another Choice That Works And Always Does,
We Are Registered At BABIES R US.

The Most Important And Special Thing To Do,
Is To Come Play And Have Fun Because We Look Forward To Seeing You...!!!


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